Senior Practitioners - Acupuncture

Associate Pracitioners - Acupuncture

Fellow - Acupuncture

Interns - Acupuncture (Master Students)

Specialty Clinic - Women's Health/Reproductive Medicine

The specialty clinic for Women's Health/Reproductive Medicine is hosted on Monday nights, Thursday nights, Saturday's, and Sunday's by the doctoral students of Yo San University.

Specialty Clinic - Healthy Aging/Longevity Medicine

The specialty clinic for Healthy Aging/Longevity Medicine is hosted on Monday nights, Thursday nights, Saturday's, and Sunday's by the doctoral students of Yo San University.

I Ching Class

Be a volunteer for some of our classes & receive a free treatment!

A seasoned acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner trained in China and in the US, Dr. Chen received her Bachelor of Medicine (B Med) in Chinese Medicine from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and her Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) from Samra University in Los Angeles. Dr. Chen has over 30 years’ experience providing excellent patient care in the Los Angeles area. Dr. Chen’s clinical specialties include Women’s Health, Dermatology, Pain Management and General Internal Medicine, to name a few. In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Chen is also a clinical faculty at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she teaches and supervises final-year clinical interns. She believes that TCM is both a science and art, and a philosophy dealing with human health and loves to see people benefit from TCM.

A seasoned acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner trained in China and i... Read More

Kristina Elminoufi, L.Ac., Ph.D is a California board-certified acupuncturist and herbalist. She received dual Master degrees in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (Yo San University, CA) and psychology (WWU in Germany) as well as a PhD in Sociology. Furthermore she completed an externship with Venice Family Clinic serving low-income communities in Venice, CA, a year long fellowship at Yo San University community clinic as well as an extensive Acupuncture Psychiatry training let by Dr. Joseph Yang.

Dr. Elminoufi uses an integrative approach to patient care. She specializes in WOMENS HEALTH including infertility, pregnancy and postpartum care as well as PSYCHO- EMOTIONAL DISTRESS CONDITIONS like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and ADHD/ADD, OCD, spectrum disorders in adults, adolescents, and children. She loves working with children and adolescence to help mitigate all types of PEDIATRIC CONDITIONS utilizing not just needles but also press tags, seeds, cupping, massage and special pediatric scraping techniques appropriate to the respective age and condition of the child. Furthermore Dr. Elminoufi has extensive experience treating CHRONIC PAIN DISORDERS such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), Long Covid and well as immune system disorders, sleep issues, GI conditions, allergies and migraine headaches. She uses a holistic approach to inform her patient care and will use modalities like electroacupuncture, traditional fire cupping therapy, gua sha, tui-na massage, trigger point needling, herbal formulas, dietary and lifestyle guidelines as needed. She is a firm believer in integrative medicine and works closely in conjunction with fellow health care providers of all disciplines to ensure a successful treatment protocol for each and every patient.

Kristina Elminoufi, L.Ac., Ph.D is a California board-certified acupuncturist and herbalist. She ... Read More

Ruby is a Level 1 intern, finishing her 3rd year of Chinese medicine school. She will be working with clinical supervisor Marc Ryan, L.Ac on Thursday mornings. Prior to studying Chinese medicine, Ruby fulfilled a career in the military and government consulting. She is second generation Chinese and grew up eating many of the Chinese herbs studied at Yo San University. Ruby looks forward to being part of your wellness journey and working as a team toward better health.

Ruby is a Level 1 intern, finishing her 3rd year of Chinese medicine school. She will be working ... Read More

Ali holds a Doctorate from Five Branches University and Yo San University with a specialty in Women’s Health & Reproductive Medicine. Currently he is also a Ph.D candidate at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China pursuing clinical research for the treatment of Post- Stroke Spasticity with acupuncture.

His clinical focus is on the treatment of infertility and related issues including menstrual disorders, diminished ovarian reserve, PCOS, improving IVF and frozen embryo transfer outcomes, miscarriage, pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care. He also treats chronic conditions including arthritis, diabetes neuropathy, psycho-emotional issues, cardiovascular diseases, and long-COVID Symptoms.

Ali holds a Doctorate from Five Branches University and Yo San University with a specialty in Wom... Read More

Robert Hoffman holds a Master’s degree from Yo San University, and his doctorate from Five Branches University. Currently, he is also a PhD candidate at Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University in Hangzhou, China. His current research is in the use of mushrooms as adjuvant therapy in cancer treatment, and the role of Chinese herbs in T cell regulation. Dr. Hoffman is the President and CEO at YSU where he also serves on both the master’s and doctoral faculties. In addition to his work at the university, Dr. Hoffman serves on the board of the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (ACAHM), and is an ordained 23rd generation Daoist Priest in the Quanzhen, Longmen tradition.

Robert Hoffman holds a Master’s degree from Yo San University, and his doctorate from Five Branch... Read More

Lawrence holds a western allopathic medical degree from the National University of Singapore in Singapore, as well as a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) from Samra University in Los Angeles. With over 25 years’ experience in integrative care, his clinical specialties include internal medicine, oncology, and TCM health cultivation & longevity medicine.

Lawrence holds a western allopathic medical degree from the National University of Singapore in S... Read More

Se habla Español: Español abajo

Epigenetic Alchemy

李道玲 Camellia Dao-Ling [they/she] is passionately engaged in an artistic practice of ancestral healing as liberatory community care.

Camellia believes that you heal yourself. Every modality - acupuncture, herbalism, guasha, tuina, cupping, InfiniChi®, moxa - is simply reminding your body of its own inner knowing. Camellia is here to support you in remembering your own power as the embodiment of your lineages’ potential for radical transformation.

Camellia is committed to increasing access to traditional medicine that is trauma-informed, gender-affirming, and culturally competent.

Free meditations

Descended from Taiwanese medical doctors and traditional medicine practitioners, Camellia weaves ancestral wisdom with liberatory, asset-based frameworks.

As a youth, Camellia organized with the Coalition to End Environmental Racism, the Chapel Hill NAACP, the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Association and the North Carolina NAACP. In 2010, they engaged in principled civil disobedience with Rev. Dr. William Barber II, chair of the national NAACP legislative political action committee and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. Camellia approaches clinical practice with a critical lens honed at Brown University’s Department of Africana Studies.

While still an undergraduate, they led the syllabus creation and teaching of a course approved by the Brown University College Curriculum Council. In addition to earning academic awards, Camellia also secured funding for independent research in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. Their international oral history work resulted in the publication of the first book in English by Afro-Brazilian elder priestess Iya Agba Cici, with all royalties directed to the priestess herself.

Since 2006, Camellia has worked for educational equity because “Justice is what love looks like in public” (Cornel West). From Boyle Heights second-grade classrooms to curriculum writing for the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Camellia brings a heart-centered, research-based approach to youth empowerment.

In 2019 Camellia began studying at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the 38-generation lineage of the Ni family. She is also a student of the Integral Way Tradition as taught by Hua-Ching Ni, Dr. Mao Shing Ni, and the College of Tao.

In this tradition, Camellia is a Certified Instructor of Self-Healing Qi Gong and a Level 2 Taoist Meditation Instructor through the International Taoist Meditation Institute. Under the supervision and training of the Dean of the InfiniChi® Medical Qi Gong Institute, Camellia fulfilled all four required courses of the complete InfiniChi® system. This includes over 135 documented hours of training in this 5,000 year-old modality over four years.

Camellia has been a member of 天后宫 (Chùa Bà Thiên Hậu) since 2012 and began studying Advanced Traditional Practice (esoteric Daoism) in 2022. Camellia has also studied under a Long Men Quan Zhen lineage through Parting Clouds Daoist Education. In 2022, Union Square & Co. published Camellia’s book Elemental Healing: A 5-Element Path for Ancestor Connection, Balanced Energy, and an Aligned Life.

In 2023, Camellia completed Council 1 training. Camellia is an apetebi Ifá and iyalorisa training under Oluwo Falokun Fasegun Ogunkeye and Iya Fayomi Osundoyin Egbeyemi of Ile Orunmila Afedefeyo. In 2022, the elders of Ode Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria initiated Camellia into the mysteries of Osun ati Obatala in the lineage of Chief Olota Egungun ati Olota Biiri Agba of Eposo land Prince Dr. Oluwo Falolu Adesanya Awoyade.

Alquimia Epigenética

Camellia Dao-Ling [elle/ella] está apasionadamente comprometida con una práctica artística de curación ancestral como cuidado comunitario liberador.

Camelia cree que se cura a si mismo. Cada modalidad (acupuntura, herboristería, guasha, tuina, ventosas, InfiniChi®, moxa) simplemente le recuerda a su cuerpo su propio conocimiento interno.

Camellia está aquí para ayudarlo a recordar su propio poder como la encarnación del potencial de transformación radical de sus linajes.

Camellia se compromete a aumentar el acceso a la medicina tradicional que está informada sobre el trauma, competente culturalmente, y afirma el género.

Meditaciones gratuitas

Descendiente de médicos taiwaneses y practicantes de medicina tradicional, Camellia entrelaza la sabiduría ancestral con marcos liberadores basados en activos.

Cuando era joven, Camellia se organizó con la Coalición para Acabar con el Racismo Ambiental, la NAACP de Chapel Hill, la Asociación Vecinal Rogers-Eubanks y la NAACP de Carolina del Norte. En 2010, se involucró en desobediencia civil con el Reverendo Dr. William Barber II, presidente del comité nacional de acción política legislativa de la NAACP y copresidente de la Campaña de los Pobres: Un Llamado Nacional para el Avivamiento Moral. Camellia aborda la práctica clínica con una lente crítica perfeccionada en el Departamento de Estudios Africanos de Brown University.

Cuando aún era estudiantes universitarios, dirigió la creación del plan de estudios y la enseñanza de un curso aprobado por el Consejo Curricular de Brown University College. Además de obtener premios académicos, Camellia también obtuvo fondos para investigaciones independientes en Salvador de Bahía, Brasil. Su trabajo de historia oral internacional resultó en la publicación del primer libro en inglés de la sacerdotisa anciana afrobrasileña Iya Agba Cici, con todas los fondos dirigidos a la propia sacerdotisa.

Cuando aún era estudiante universitario, dirigio la creación del plan de estudios y la enseñanza de un curso aprobado por el Consejo Curricular de Brown University College. Además de obtener premios académicos, Camellia también obtuvo fondos para investigaciones independientes en Salvador de Bahía, Brasil. Su trabajo de historia oral internacional resultó en la publicación del primer libro en inglés de la sacerdotisa mayor afrobrasileña Iya Agba Cici, con todas las regalías dirigidas a la propia sacerdotisa.

Desde 2006, Camellia ha trabajado por la equidad educativa porque “La justicia es lo que parece el amor en público” (Cornel West). Desde las aulas de segundo grado de Boyle Heights hasta la redacción del plan de estudios para el Departamento de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de Massachusetts, Camellia aporta un enfoque centrado en el corazón y basado en la investigación para el empoderamiento de los jóvenes.

En 2019, Camellia comenzó a estudiar en la Universidad de Medicina Tradicional China Yo San en el linaje de 38 generaciones de la familia Ni. Elle también es estudiante de la Tradición del Camino Integral según lo enseñado por Hua-Ching Ni, el Dr. Mao Shing Ni y el Colegio del Tao.

En esta tradición, Camellia es Instructora Certificada de Qi Gong de Autocuración e Instructora de Meditación Taoísta de Nivel 2 a través del Instituto Internacional de Meditación Taoísta. Bajo la supervisión y capacitación del Decano del Instituto InfiniChi® Medical Qi Gong, Camellia completó los cuatro cursos requeridos del sistema InfiniChi® completo. Esto incluye más de 135 horas documentadas de capacitación en esta modalidad de 5.000 años de antigüedad durante cuatro años.

Camellia es miembro de 天后宫 (Chùa Bà Thiên HuU) desde 2012 y comenzó a estudiar Prácticas Tradicionales Avanzadas (Taoísmo esotérico) en 2022. Camellia también ha estudiado bajo un largo linaje Men Quan Zhen a través de la educación taoísta de Parting Clouds. En 2022, Union Square & Co. publicó el libro de Camelia Curación Elemental: Un Camino de 5 Elementos para la Conexión con los Antepasados, Energía Equilibrada y una Vida Alineada.

En 2023, Camellia completó la capacitación del Consejo 1. Camellia es una apetebi Ifá e iyalorisa con Oluwo Falokun Fasegun Ogunkeye e Iya Fayomi Osundoyin Egbeyemi de Ile Orunmila Afedefeyo. En 2022, los ancianos de Ode Remo, Estado de Ogun, Nigeria, iniciaron a Camelia en los misterios de Osun ati Obatala en el linaje del Jefe Olota Egungun ati Olota Biiri Agba del Príncipe de la tierra de Eposo, el Dr. Oluwo Falolu Adesanya Awoyade.

Se habla Español: Español abajo Epigenetic Alchemy 李道玲 Camellia Dao-Ling [they/she] is passiona... Read More

Jessica Luca is a compassionate acupuncturist with the exceptional ability to connect with her patients. Born and raised in the South Bay, she has a deep care and connection with her community. She is passionate about helping people transform their health in practical ways.

She gained experience in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine at Yo San University, with a focus on chronic pain conditions. She also enjoys focusing on helping people decrease stress and improve general quality of life. Her goal is to help people realize their potential to live their best lives and help them age gracefully.

Her gentle approach allows her to effectively treat many different conditions. Using her expertise, she carefully selects various techniques and modalities to fit each individual. She is committed to ensuring that her patients leave her treatments feeling better than when they arrived.

Jessica Luca is a compassionate acupuncturist with the exceptional ability to connect with her pa... Read More

Finding an elegant harmony in his clinical practice between Western Science and the Mind/Body/Spirit perspective of the East, Todd completed his Masters in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine at Yo San University in Los Angeles in 2006. Then in 2009 he became a Diplomat of the National Board of Acupuncture Orthopedics (1 of less than 1000 in the US) and now has decades of experience treating Orthopedic and Sports related injuries. Todd has been blessed to work with the world’s Elite Professional Tri-athletes, Top Professional Road/Cross/MTB and Track Cyclists, Top Mixed Martial Artists, NBA Players, Major Leaguers, AVP athletes, and many other amateur and elite level athletes.

More recently, Todd has been working with the American Institute of Psychiatry in Traditional Chinese Medicine to bring the ancient traditions of Taoist Five Element Shen (Spirit) Medicine back to the forefront of natural treatment of Mental Health Disorders.

Beyond the clinic and classroom settings, Todd is currently working on developing an integrated education curriculum for Acupuncturist and Massage Therapists, working to publish his first book, and will be giving regular lectures, seminars, and workshops on a variety of health and wellness topics. Additionally, Todd is a registered non-denominational minister and occasionally officiates weddings.

Finding an elegant harmony in his clinical practice between Western Science and the Mind/Body/Spi... Read More

Marc Ryan, L.Ac., is a graduate of Cornell University and Yo San University and a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in California. He is highly regarded for his expertise in functional medicine. For over a decade, Marc has specialized in working with patients who have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and hypothyroidism, having worked with thousands of individuals with these conditions and published two books with Hay House that detail his experience and philosophy of care. By combining ancient wisdom with modern science, he creates personalized treatment plans that provide lasting relief and improved quality of life. Beyond his practice, Marc finds joy in gardening and nurturing a relationship with living herbs and plants. He also enjoys incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation and qi gong. For fun, he enjoys painting and playing ukulele and guitar.

Marc Ryan, L.Ac., is a graduate of Cornell University and Yo San University and a licensed acupun... Read More

Mark Sagato began his journey into traditional Chinese medicine as a teenager after being introduced to qi gong through his first teacher. From a young age, it was clear to him that this was his calling. At 19 he began his formal education in this medicine studying tui na, a traditional form of Chinese acupressure, and later went on to receive a master’s degree in acupuncture and herbal medicine from Yo San University.

His focus is on restoring the body and mind. He specializes in treating chronic issues and mental/emotional health, helping patients resolve even the most difficult issues. He uses a very gentle style of acupuncture, combined with herbs, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle practices specific to each patient.

Mark sees acupuncture as a high art form with the ability to transform people’s lives. His goal is to help as many people as he can to improve their health and expand their awareness.

Mark Sagato began his journey into traditional Chinese medicine as a teenager after being introdu... Read More

Jeramy specializes in Kiiko Matsumoto Style Japanese acupuncture. A highly developed system of palpation, Hara Diagnosis, is used to discover areas of physical and energetic blockage. Specific acupuncture points are then chosen which can produce relief. Japanese Hara Diagnosis has its foundations in the same ancient acupuncture texts as Traditional Chinese Medicine. This style of acupuncture is highly effective for treating chronic neck and shoulder conditions, complex internal disorders, and pain anywhere in the body. Jeramy will soon complete the requirements for a certificate granted by Kiiko to her students.

Jeramy has been practicing since 2016. She holds a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Yo San University. She is Board Certified to practice TCM in both California and nationally. She is a UCLA graduate with a background in education. While a student at Yo San, Jeramy completed externships at Venice Family Clinic and Venice Family Pain Clinic. After graduating, she served as a teaching assistant for new interns in the clinic. She has also worked with students in the capacity of Herbalist in Yo San’s Herbal Pharmacy. Additionally, she enjoyed practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine as a Clinical Fellow at Yo San Blount Community Clinic. Jeramy has training in Women’s Health, depression, anxiety, stress, the nervous system, the immune system, gastrointestinal issues, headaches, and more.

Jeramy specializes in Kiiko Matsumoto Style Japanese acupuncture. A highly developed system of pa... Read More

My name is Marleen Wager

and I look forward to supporting you, wholly. My journey toward TCM began with personal touch through my own experience receiving treatment. Suffering a ruptured ectopic pregnancy resulting in emergency surgery, it was this shapeshifting episode of my corporeal essence that sparked my reverence for this medicine. The specialties that captivate my interest include reproductive, digestive, and cosmetic systems of wellness - realigning balance at the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

In my time outside of school

I am the proud mother [human & dog] to a spirited one year old & doberman mix rescue, both of which inspire my commitment to nurturing the health of individuals looking to live well, build their families, age gracefully, and support their innate uniqueness. I am also a fashion enthusiast and music lover, currently teaching myself to play the piano and exploring the art of knitting. This blend of creativity and care shapes my philosophy as a healer and enriches my life personally and professionally.

My name is Marleen Wager and I look forward to supporting you, wholly. My journey toward TCM bega... Read More

Dong Wang, or Cynthia holds a master and doctoral degree from Yo San University. Her specialty for Doctoral program is Women’s Health and Fertility, focusing on increasing IVF outcome, stimulating the blood flow in the uterus to treat dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea. She frequently treats patients with headaches including migraines, cluster and hormonal headaches, also good at relieving acute low back and neck pain. Dr. Wang is a professor at Yo San University, teaches Chinese medical terminology and herbal medicine. She is also a Chinese astrologist ,helping people resolve issues surrounding their birth chart. In her free time she enjoys qi gong, biking to the beach, cooking, reading Chinese astrology chart, and exploring the national parks.

Dong Wang, or Cynthia holds a master and doctoral degree from Yo San University. Her specialty fo... Read More

Located at: 13315 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles
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